Monday, September 10, 2012

Catching is cruising at top speed!

Wow, I feel like last weekend was Alyssa's first birthday. Not 4 months ago! She is 16 months now and growing into a pretty feisty girl :) Everyday brings something new, her teeth make her super cranky but most the time she is a golden child. We dropped the baba from naps and bedtime and she now sleeps through her one morning wake up. I think after about 3 days of no baba, she was like 'why am I awake??" So she now gives us about 12 hours. 8:30 to 8:30! Works for me!

We never really stopped 'trying' for number 2, we just realized it probably wouldn't happen. The anti-inflammatory I am on are considered a no-no for trying to conceive but mostly what I read up on them is that it delays ovulation and makes it harder to implant. So the last couple months have been a bit less stress. I still am crossing my fingers for this month, but I'm starting to get cramping and PMS symptoms so I'm sure my dear Aunt flo will show up soon. Oh well, I have a doctors appt tomorrow to follow up from my urgent care visit and I'm hoping she gives me some new pills that I can take freely while trying to get preggo :)

This summer has been a total blur and I was side swiped by school starting! I wasn't ready to go back :( Boo!! Lol, but its not too bad, I have 2 online classes and 2 classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays so its not too much time away from home and Alyssa. Still super stoked on Accounting and I love my statistics class. I love how numbers are black and white. No grey area!! I feel like after 12 years out of high school I finally figured out what I want to do.

We started Alyssa in gymnastics class and holy crap she took to it like she was born to flip! She has been three times and already does somersaults around the house now. I get to watch from upstairs as Jason trys to keep her in control. The trampoline is her weak spot, she just runs up and down it, not jumping. Just staying out of dads reach haha.

Next weekend is Jason and my second anniversary trip. WITHOUT Alyssa. I'm sad! I have never left her before for more that one day for school. Never over night. So it will be fun, have some drinks, relax in nature, hike, ride bikes. Have some alone time ;) I'm excited! And Jason has no idea where we are going. It will be a nice trip.

And hopefully by the next weekend we can get our sod delivered!! The last steps is getting some topsoil delivered to make prime foundation for a healthy lawn and we will not be the shitty landscaped house on our street anymore :) Super excited.