Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Quick catchup

My fabulous child had learned the word No. I'm not super excited about that, but I'm glad her vocabulary is picking up a bit. She is still pretty quiet and around other people she is shy. If she knows you...look out! She is wild and crazy and getting a huge personality. We haven't really started trying to potty train but I have introduced it. Bring her to the toilet whenever I change her diaper and get excited when she sits on it. She has peed a couple times on the potty but the great achievement is that she will tell me when she needs a new diaper. And mostly her diaper is still warm, so she tells me right after going! I'm not going to worry about it too much until summer hits and I'm home more consistently, but for now, I'm pretty proud!
School. Oh man. This semester is kicking my ass!! Its only 4 weeks in and while I don't feel behind, I feel like I wasn't prepared for this course. I'm so scared that I'm going to fail and if I fail then I have NO freaking idea what I'm going to do with my life. I'm trying really hard to not let that overwhelm me but I'm losing the battle haha!! AHH, guess all I can do is drink some wine and try to relax!
Next weekend Jason and Stacie are running in a marathon in Napa and I decided to join them, I mean, its not everyday his events are in wine country :) We are staying with Stacie in downtown Napa and its so exciting, its so fun watching Stacie and Lyss interact together. They don't see each other very often but Lyss has this connection with her aunt, it doesn't take her any time at all to warm up to her. They are a kick together!
I had an appointment with the VA today that told me that I am almost 100% covered in fertility treatment, everything except Invitro...HOPE it doesn't come to that. But for now we are taking a breather (might miss the hugely popular birth month of November and a holiday babe in December) and I am told to chart my temps and cycles (I have been anyways, she wants 3 months more) and she took some blood work. While I didn't really get any answers, I feel better. We will figure this out and someday soon I will be all knocked up and stressed about something else and this will all feel like a far away time.
We used our tax returns and paid off Jason's Hyundai so we officially have no car debt!! I'm so excited. Those monthly payments are so annoying. And we realize that we will buy another vehicle soon (can you say fuel economy!!) these months of no payments will be smiled upon :) Maybe will even make it through the summer months of me not earning any GI Bill money and can actually afford to do fun stuff, like keep Lyss in gym and maybe swimming.